Tuesday January 14th, 2025
Out Smart Capitalism
I took action with Cooperate for Canada and signed the Citizens' Letter urging progressive parties to cooperate.
We need the Liberals, Greens, NDP, and Bloc to cooperate during the next federal election. This is not a “normal” ask but these are not “normal” times. We are living in the midst of escalating, converging, multiplying crises that our systems are not designed to handle. We cannot afford a ‘business as usual’ approach. The next election is critical and calls for great courage – individually and collectively.
Will you join me and take action?
Cooperate For Canada
Saturday September 7th, 2024
Sam Nabi; The YETI
In person concerts are LOUD
Makes them memorable though i do only remember the opener and the closing bands: Rag Ripper and Frank Dux respectively.
What a way to close off the summer: doing calf exercises to the beat for 4 hours in 8 degree weather. At least it didn't much rain.
Met the indelible Sam Nabi there after the show though. (Not sure what indelible means). He introduced me to a friend and asked about mirlo. Sam also stated that his focus is on live performance (or at least live recordings?) Sam recently released a collab on mirlo with one of his fave improvising live acts: She Bad.
Kyle was occupied in Hamilton with his second Mad Child concert this weekend.
After Frank Dux i marvelled how a guy in his 40s with a cane could join the mosh pit. He said it was tough due to his injury.
Notably Frank Dux had one half of their significant others somewhere in the crowd of around 75 on Erb St. In Kitchener.
Somehow recorded 3 possible Fedivision 2025 songs in the past month...
The younger 3 are in High School now.
Two others may travel out of Province later this month.
Best to all those studious ones; and those who choose otheRwise.
Saturday August 3rd, 2024
8 Minute Walk From Summerslam To The Rock Hall (RARHOF)
No of course i won't be there in person but virtually in 2d.
Getting closer to possible though as the faMily gets docuMents.
Wife off for 9 days - should i join? She has lots of plans each day though with dOctors, nexUs, a well-deserved fa¢ial, etc.
Then two of our own will be in Ohio for a "Stray Cats" concert, with opening act "Midnight Cowgirls" near Dayton. First time crossing the border. (Of course ya know they belong in the Rock Hall as well! )
Kyle got an "i was there" moNey in the baNk tee by the way. We've all been there where the Cash Rules Everything Around Me (CREAM "Get the moNey; dollA dollA biL, y'all"
the most populous wrestling chant "wOo" (tAng cLan. )) Kyle actually has a hand-lettered Woo Tan Clan Ain't Nothin' Ta Fuck (mess) With sign on his aPartMent door.
SomeOne thought up a killer tagline for the back of the mirlo tee shirt! }
Get a double visit this weekend with my Hip-Hoppinest Nephew and something tells me we might also catch the new Spongebob. Or Batman. Or both: Callll it SpongeBat.
Hoping to record a possible Fedivision 2025 entry at the Old Post Office. It's tenatively titled "Pet Themetary" and is about most of the pets throughout my life.
Speaking of pets, our teacup chi Mollie has a cough. She is 8years and 2months and had never needed a vet (indoor dOg).
aUtism may walk in the faMily - twiCe! )
Someone mAthy wants to join the RoboTics club! }
This is a long one but hoping to get back to it by around the 12th so hang loose everyone and see ya on tha fLyp ¢rYp syde! P
Saturday July 6th, 2024
Kyle at Money In The Bank (MITB) Toronto
When Kyle learned MITB was going to be in Toronto this year he was quick to ask his staff to get tickets for him.
Though it was not cheap, Kyle was able to secure tickets.
Last week Kyle was hoping that he would get to see one of his fave Torontonian retired wrestlers there. This weekend it was announced she will be hosting MITB.
Kyle's staff is likely braving Toronto traffic now on their way. Or perhaps they've found a place to park already and are on foot towards the show. Or maybe they've already made it to their seats. Kyle even might be lined up to get his obligatory t-shirt to comemmorate the big event! )
Wednesday June 5th, 2024
Kyle on jam.coop
Kyle interviewd his gifted hilarous self (as Darth Vader, Gollum, Hulk Hogan, and others at the 6 interview ep. )
Also the lyriSized version of nooN is up too also at jam.coop.
i guess i was too sUper for Canada Learns Code to contact me (so far. )
Also i think someone might review Kyle's voice acting or my music sometime so will have a link for Ether Diver soon. If you too would like them to review your tunes feel free to let them know.
Their review of my Fedivision song for 2024 can be found in the liner notes also on jam.coop.
Thursday May 23rd, 2024
nooN on jam.coop
Today my mini album drops at ~ nooN.
My song will also be voteable until Saturday May 25th.on the Fedivision 2024 song player page
I believe the voteable hours will be until Sunday at 19:00 UTC (think that might be 4pm?)
Here's how to vote.
There are lots of marvellous songs (much more effort was put) and you can vote for up to three!
Saturday May 18th, 2024
Code to Career; Green Accessibility
Today talking with Liz and Kyle about the Code to Career Bootcamp.
The Bootcamp will run from Tuesday June 4th through the end of August.
I believe the virtual hours will be from noon to 8pm.
As far as i can tell i would take cognition&washroom breaks at the 20/40/60 marks every hour and get a 30 minute lunch around 4pm.
The goal would be to get around $120/wk working 2h p/t virtually. Hopefully involving some green accessibility.
Sunday May 5th, 2024
Today Kyle and i will listen to a few potential tracks for the Fedivision Song Contest.
Got a few including one about a Country, one about a Freestyle, and one about a Royal Flush.
Kyle will have the final word, and if he chooses the Freestyle the band name will be "days ending in y" which is a name Kyle came up with as well.
Edit (May8th): Kyle wasn't able to choose one but someone else suggested the Freestyle would be worth entering.
Let me know on Mastodon if anyone has space for an album on their faircamp instance! )
ocCasionalLy l earnJoying:
- Kinnu
- ikigai
- Feminism
- Neurodiversity
- Superpower Learning
- Duolingo
- Enki
- freeCodeCamp
DiJesting meDia:
- Shaman King: Flowers
- Exploding Kittens
- Walking Dead
- Hazbin Hotel